Use the Human Resources System Department to manage the development of tourism agencies to achieve added value

  • Aqeel Kassim Hashim Alkhallidy Department of Industrial Management, College of Administration & Economics, University of Babylon, Iraq


The research aims to study the knowledge bases of human resources management systems with an indication of their role in managing the development of the work of tourism institutions in a way that helps these institutions in achieving added value and in a manner that is commensurate with the requirements of the modern environment and the accompanying rapid and successive changes and developments, and a basic hypothesis has been presented as follows: - (The human resources management systems can help in managing the development of the work of Iraqi tourism institutions in a way that helps in achieving added value), and the following sub-assumptions emerge from this hypothesis: (1) The system of selecting and attracting human resources can help in managing the development The work of Iraqi tourism institutions, (2) The human resources training system can help in managing the development of the work of Iraqi tourism institutions, (3) The human resources assessment system can help in managing the development of the work of Iraqi tourism institutions, (4) The incentives and wages system And the rewards for human resources can help in managing the development of the work of Iraqi tourism institutions, and for the purpose of achieving the goals of the research and testing its hypotheses, a questionnaire was designed and distributed to a group of workers in the The Iraqi tourism sector during the year 2019, and a set of statistical methods were used, including the arithmetic mean, percentage, standard deviation and (T) test for one sample, and one of the most important conclusions reached by the research is that human resources management systems can help in managing the development of the work of Iraqi tourism institutions In a way that helps in achieving added value.