Transylvanian Review of Administrative Sciences <p>TRAS represents a collective effort initiated by an international group aimed at boosting the research in the field of public administration in a country where during the communist regime there was no tradition in this sense. TRAS represents a unique source of specialized analysis of the ex-communist space, of the transition processes to democracy, of the reform of public administration, and of comparative analysis of administrative systems.</p><p>TRAS is a peer reviewed multi-disciplinary specialist international journal aimed at promoting research worldwide in Administrative Sciences, Agricultural Sciences, Biological Sciences, Chemical Sciences, Computer and Mathematical Sciences, Engineering, Environmental Sciences, Medicine and Physics (all scientific fields).</p><p align="justify">TRAS is an open access journal. Except where otherwise noted, content on this site is licensed under a <a href="" target="_blank">Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license</a>.</p><p align="justify"><small></small><img title="" src="" alt="" width="107" height="37" /></p><div> </div> en-US (Călin Emilyan Hinţea) (Ciprian Tripone) Fri, 02 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0300 OJS 60 Review of approaches and styles adopted by postgraduate supervisors <p>The study provides a critical review of the various postgraduate supervision approaches and styles that supervisors adopt in higher education institutions and factors that influence these adoptions of approaches and styles. Particular reference in the study is made to a higher education institution classified as a historically disadvantaged institution (HDI) using the South African context of categorisation of universities. The study has outlined the kind of supervisory styles and approaches within the context of the author’s discipline of statistics, his institution’s structural-cultural traditions, beliefs, and some constraints faced in HDIs in the South African HE sector. Relevant literature sources were cited and examples were used to enhance the discussion and to provide justification and critical edge to the points raised. The dominant supervisory styles of the author were identified as directional and contractual styles, with supervision sessions being conducted predominantly using one-on-one supervision approach aided by cohort supervision approach through research seminars and workshops. The author argues that the masters and doctoral students come into the extreme value theory (EVT) discourse as novice, vicarious, peripheral and variant participants in EVT, some of whom are only interested in getting the qualification degree certificate. The author further argues that in towards the completion of their degree programme, these masters and doctoral students grow to become generative participants as they become convergent in the EVT discourse. The author further looks forward to establishing at EVT Research Unit in the School.</p> Daniel Maposa Copyright (c) 2023 Transylvanian Review of Administrative Sciences Thu, 06 Jul 2023 14:56:25 +0300 Research ethics and integrity issues in supervision <p>Research ethics and integrity plays an important role in postgraduate supervision in universities and various research institutions across all continents in the world. Higher education (HE) institutions, in particular, universities and medical research institutions, are battling with issues related to research ethics and integrity. Studies that involve human participants, animals and biosafety materials require ethical approval of the research protocol or proposal from an accredited research ethics committee or board before commencement of the research study. Once the research protocol has been approved by the research ethics committee, it is expected that the researchers maintain research integrity in carrying out the research study and reporting of the findings. The literature is abundant with issues of research misconduct and unethical practices in research, for example, the notorious Nazi medical experiments in Germany during World War II in the health sciences. The massification of postgraduate supervision has also given rise to research misconduct and unethical practices in supervision. The present study provides a critical review of the research ethics and integrity issues in research and postgraduate supervision. Particular reference in the study is made to a HE institution classified as a historically disadvantaged institution (HDI) according to the South African context of categorisation of universities. The study presents the Singapore Statement and also highlights some research ethics and integrity issues faced in HDIs in South Africa. The recent and relevant literature sources were used to support the arguments raised and useful examples were provided to enhance the discussion and to provide justification and critical edge to the points raised.</p> Daniel Maposa Copyright (c) 2023 Transylvanian Review of Administrative Sciences Thu, 06 Jul 2023 15:20:57 +0300 Performance evaluation of a four-stroke engine powered by biofuel blends made from waste olives of Sfax region <p>Biofuel as an alternative fuel might be a future option to satisfy fossil fuel scarcity while also lowering pollution emissions from internal combustion engines. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the impact of employing diesel-biofuel mixes on the performance and emissions of a single-cylinder direct-injection engine, both experimentally and statistically. The use of waste oil derived from olive trees in Tunisia's Sfax area is presented in this study. To make biofuel from recycled olive oil, a chemical transesterification procedure was performed. A single-cylinder engine test facility was used to create and test six mixes of varied amounts of diesel and biofuel. In terms of exhaust emissions and torque, the experimental findings were compared to those of a one-dimensional engine model, which revealed a good agreement between test and numerical data. Furthermore, the engine's thermodynamics characteristics for various blends were provided in order to better understand the elements that influence the engine's response to changes in fuel composition.</p> Munaf D. F. Al-Aseebee, Ahmed Ketata, Olfa Moussa, Zied Driss, Mohamed Salah Abid, Ahmed Samir Naje Copyright (c) 2023 Transylvanian Review of Administrative Sciences Mon, 10 Apr 2023 20:37:36 +0300 Understanding learners’ satisfaction in metaverse's online PE class: Exploring presence, usability, and enjoyment as key factors <p>Despite the increasing use of metaverse technology in practical subjects such as physical education (PE), the application of metaverse technology to achieve learning outcomes such as learners’ satisfaction is mostly limited to theoretical courses. Therefore, in this study, virtual yoga class was used as an example of online PE class to investigate the impact of presence, usability, and enjoyment on learner satisfaction. A survey was conducted with 202 respondents and analysed using the structural equation model to extract insights. Results showed that the construct validity for questionnaires and a reasonable model fit were confirmed, and that presence showed a statistically significant effect on educational satisfaction through the mediating path of enjoyment even though it did not have a significant effect on educational satisfaction directly. In conclusion, educational satisfaction of learners in PE course using metaverse technology cannot be satisfied only with the sense of presence, the reality of performing physical activity, and the enjoyment through physical activity is necessary for learners’ satisfaction even in the virtual environment.</p> Ji-Eun Yu Copyright (c) 2023 Transylvanian Review of Administrative Sciences Tue, 28 Nov 2023 18:39:46 +0300