Bioclimate of Hebron city in Palestine
The study of bioclimate is important for knowing the effect of climate and determining relationships on living organisms. We analyzed the average temperature and rainfall data to analysis the climate, bio-climate factors at Hebron city of Palestine, and the bio-climate, climatic factors were obtained according of Rivas Martinez to classification of the earth program. However, bio-climate factors included compensated thermicity index, water deficit, annual ombrothermic index and simple continentality index; whereas climate factors were mean monthly temperature, precipitation, and soil water reserve. The data used were from one meteorological station of the Palestinian Meteorological of Hebron for the years 1975 to 1995 and 2000-2012 (32 years). In concluded, there is a change in both climate, bioclimatic factors in the latter half of the last century and the beginning of this century, as in all parts of the world due to the different global climate change. Hebron is belonging to the lower meso-mediterranean to inframediterranean of the thermotype, and arid, semiarid to sub-humid and a little humid of ombrotype, whereas, the bioclimate belt represented to low meso-mediterranean and dry Mediterranean. Moreover, the annual ombrothermic index factor was found to be 3.3, simple continentality index 15.2, compensated thermicity index 294/297, and precipitation 612 mm., and the mean monthly temperature 15.5°C.References
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