Compound Index of Sharia Governance and Its Impact on Banks Performance
Research background: In Islamic banking systems, Shariah governance is considered a complete provision of conformity to Islamic rules. These rules and ethics are expected to follow by the banks and to make the customers fully satisfied. Its basic objectives is to improve the performance of the organization with welfare to eliminate poverty on the international level.Purpose of the article: The substantial aim of this study is to analyze the impact of Shariah governance on Islamic banking performance in some selected Islamic banks of Saudi Arabia and elsewhere. Adding to this, to develop an index that is helpful to analyze the performance and impact of the implementation of Shariah rules and regulations.Methods: It is explained in the paper that with the higher ICG (Islamic Compliances Governance) sources, the board is also able to implement the corporate vote in dependency and the corporate board evaluates the enhancement in the improved performance. The strategic command is used to adopt the development stage and complexity of competition to provide a complete and sound financial system on the international level and provide a competitive edge in the banking sector market.Findings & value added: Overall, the paper is based on checking the performance of some Islamic banks of Saudi working in Arabia and elsewhere, with the implementation of shariah governance, and how they are implementing their rules and regulations to compute the conventional banking system.References
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