The Effects of Louis Massignon in Islamic Sufism

  • Ghiyath Khalid Manfi Salman Al-Husseini
  • Abdul Redha Hassan Al-Husseinawi


The life of Massignon has been filled with intellectual achievement, especially in the reading of the Arabic Islamic texts and its translation into other languages, as well as his engagement in most fields of knowledge and even creativity. He wrote in literature, language and Islamic philosophy and other branches of science too. 2- Louis Massignon intervenes in the finer details of the life of Islamic groups. He wrote about Shiism and various Islamic groups. He addressed different personalities as mentioned in the text as the personality of Salman al-Farsi. 3- Massignon left many clear traces, as he had wrote more than (650) researches, books and essays so that we have received from those effects only some of the literature. These researches are still underway to discover their multiple intellectual implications. Whatever the case, Massignon raised a high banner entitled “Oneness in God” and the attraction of the humble hearts of believers from all nations, peoples and tribes, because that flag is its source, and it is comfortable in it, is a call to conciliation, not to differentiate. Massignon was its patron and the bridge and the motive of the intellectual revolution that France ever witnessed in particular in its openness to the eastern and Islamic world in particular.