Adopting Continuous Improvement to Achieve Strategic Success

  • Dr. Yousra Mohamed Hussein


The research aims to identify and diagnose the dimensions of continuous improvement and the dimensions of achieving strategic success with an indication of the impact of their relationship in the hotel organizations to the degree of excellent (Deluxe) in the city of Baghdad, has been formulated the problem of research several questions focused on the relationship between the variables of research, and the research was based on a certain hypothesis was subjected The research included methodology of descriptive analysis, the research included a segment of senior management in hotel organizations for the excellent degree of the city of Baghdad, consisting of (80) managers, where they were all retrieved, and after the use of statistical program ready (SPSS) Several conclusions were reached including: that there is a statistically significant relationship between the variables of research (continuous improvement and achieving strategic success) and the results are identical with the hypothesis and the research also reached a number of recommendations, the most important of which was: the need to develop practical programs for continuous improvement with work and emphasize the dissemination of the concept A culture of continuous improvement.