Apuntes sobre el pensamiento fonético del árabe clásico: metodología, objetivos y logros

  • Abdullah Al. Amar The University of Jordan
Keywords: Arabic language sounds, Arabic linguistic schools, the phonetics, al-Qira´ât (different readings/recitations of Quran), Sir S, ina`ah al-I`râb


This paper highlights the linguistic approaches of classical Arabic, particularly its phonetic and phonological theory. To achieve this goal, the paper sheds light on some phonetic and phonological aspects of Arabic, starting with the works of al-Jalil Ibn Ahmad (175-791) and his follower Sibawâyh (177-793), and reaching its peak with Ibn Djinnî (392-1002) in his masterpiece, Sir S:ina`ah al-I`râb.´Abu al-Fath, ´Uthmân, commonly known as Ibn Djinnî, was an influential linguist and grammarian of Arabic. His huge scholarly work, Sir S:ina`ah al-I`râb, was one of the greatest books on phonetic and phonological theory written Arabic history. The scholar Ibn Djinnî who was one of the celebrities of the fourth century, establised a set of rules in Arabic phonetics and phonology.Throughout this work we have studied the objectives of Arabic phonetic studies, the research procedures followed by Arab linguists and some of their contributions and achievements in the different aspects of sounds (articulatory, acoustic and auditory).