Effect Organizational Ambidexterity in achieving high performance Exploratory research in a company the Petroleum Products Distribution Company / Al-Forat Al-Awsat Distribution Corporation / Babel

  • Nayef Al Shammary Babylon University / College of Administration and Economics / Department of Industrial Administration
  • Haneen Salah Badry Babylon University / College of Administration and Economics / Department of Industrial Administration
Keywords: Organizational ambidexterity, high performance


The research’s aims mainly to study the effect of Organizational Ambidexterity through its dimensions (Optimal Utilization of Available Opportunities, exploring new opportunities, differentiated organizational structure) in achieving high performance through its dimensions (worker participation,  Effective recruitment, intensive training, continuous improvement). The study was conducted on the Petroleum Products Distribution Company / Al-Forat Al-Awsat Distribution Corporation / Babel Branch And based on the importance of the research topic and the importance of the researched company, and the descriptive and analytical approach was adopted, a random sample of (171) individuals from the company was chosen, and the questionnaire was used as a main tool to collect data and information. The research adopted measures developed based on research literature and some previous studies, all of which were subjected to tests of honesty and consistency. In order to achieve the goals of the research, several hypotheses were tested and tested by several statistical means using the ready statistical program, (SPSS var 23). The research concluded that there is an effect relationship of organizational ambidexterity in high performance.