Barriers to Sexual Health Among Male Adolescents: A Preliminary Study

  • Dua'a Fayiz Al Maghaireh
  • Niven R. Basyouni
  • Mariam Mofleh Al Kawafha


Aim (Background): Primary sexual health for male adolescents living in developing countries has received little attention. Despite the fact that these young men are at risk for sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection, and unplanned fatherhood. Thus this research was done to identifying barriers to sexual health among those adolescents. Materials and Methods: An exploratory research design was adopted. The cluster probability sampling technique was utilized to allocate the study setting which was two males' secondary schools randomly selected representing the two east and west geographical zones of north Jordan. A sample of 300 students was randomly enrolled from the study setting. <strong>An unstructured interview schedule was designed and utilized to collect the necessary data. Results: more than three- fifth (66.0%) had poor score of knowledge about sexual health. External barriers to consume health service reveled that; majority said that such services are not available. Conclusion: relatively lack of knowledge regarding STDs and contraceptives as well as the misunderstanding toward health centers' environment posed a significant barrier to sexual health among male adolescents.