• Togu Harlen Lbn Raja


In a company then the goal of all organizations is how to achieve the company's goal of achieving the maximum profit that is the focus of all workers and company owners. To achieve the company's goals then various policies will be made in optimizing existing business activities in the company so as to achieve high productivity. Compensation is attractive to employees is the company's efforts to provide confidence to employees that will give effect to employee behavior to work harder. Companies must be committed to improving the quality of employees in order to create high performance for the company. Compensation is a very important factor that should be given by the company to employees where compensation will affect the performance of employees so that the company will achieve good work productivity. Improving the quality of employees can be done through employee quality improvement policies through increased education and employee experience. The relationship between superiors and subordinates will be harmonious if the relationship can be harmonious between superiors and subordinates where in this company called by the term manager and employees. Managers as corporate leaders must be able to manage the potential of the company well through empowering employees and empowering other resources such as capital, buildings, land existing in the company. In carrying out their duties, each manager has a different style of leadership so that the leadership style of the manager will be able to influence changes in employee behavior in a good direction. Employees as job executors at lower levels will provide good performance with the attention given by the company through various policies that exist in the company. This research method is survey method by collecting data directly to the field to see the symptoms that occur in the field. 2 This research uses Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) model to see the relation of each variable. Based on the results of data processing can be explained that T. count for the independent variable that is compensation (X1) is equal to 6.168 or 61.68%. Then the results of the processed for independent variables X2 obtained T. Calculate of 1.991 or 19.91% means that independent X2 affect the variable Y at PT. Perkebunan Alam of 19.91%. Results of data processing on the independent variable X3 obtained T. Calculate of<br />2.714 or 27.14%. Taken together the influence of independent variables X1 and independent variables X2 and independent variables X3 affects the dependent variable Y with value F. Ratio of 12.8. Companies need to provide better compensation to employees so that it can affect employee performance. Companies need to pay attention to the human resource development policy program by planning every year and making budget allocations. The manager should also pay attention to the manager's leadership style that is suitable to be applied by the manager in carrying out its function as the head of the company.