Estimations in Partially Step-Stress Accelerate Life Tests with Jointly Type-II Censored Samples from Rayleigh Distributions

  • Faten A. Momenkhan
  • G. A. Abd Elmougod


Objective: The conducting comparative life tests for the products coming from different lines with a highly reliable products and Rayleigh lifetime distribution is adopted. The partially step stress accelerates life tests (ALTs) with jointly Type-II censoring to obtain the early failure time of the units come from two different lines is applied to obtain point and interval estimation of the model parameters. Material and Method: The maximum likelihood and bootstrap estimations are applied for obtaining the point and approximate confidence for the parameters of the two Rayleigh distribution and accelerate factored. Results: The theoretical results are discussed and assessed through, numerical example and Monte Carlo simulation studies. Conclusion: Estimation results are more acceptable and bootstrap-t confidence interval is better than the approximate confidence intervals and bootstrap-p confidence interval.