The impact of Total Quality Management strategy in Reducing Counterproductive Work Behavior: A Exploratory Study of the Views of a Sample of Employees in One of the Directorate of the Iraqi Ministry of Interior

  • Bashar Abbas Alhimyari University of Babylon
  • Ali Hamed Abedaladief University of Babylon


Purpose: The present study sought to test the relationship of correlation and influence between Total Quality Management strategy and its dimensions (Commitment of senior management, Focus on the beneficiary (customer), Strategic Planning, Focus on human resources) And counterproductive Work behavior in its dimensions of (Property Deviation, Production deviation, Political deviation, Personal aggression), In its conceptual framework, it adopted TQM as an independent variable, while the counterproductive Work behavior was adopted as a dependent variable. Methodology: Using the random sample, (300) questionnaire was distributed to a number of employees in the Directorate of intelligence and combating the terrorism of Babylon sample study, And recovered from them (289) form, and (9) forms were not completed in which the response of the sample to the paragraphs included in the sample was not completed, so that the questionnaires ready for analysis (280) form, which exceeds the required sample size. To address these data and information, the researcher used a number of statistical methods: an Exploratory Analysis, "Alvakronbach" to measure stability measure, (Kolmogorov-Smirnov) test to determine the extent to which data are subject to normal distribution, The weighted arithmetic mean, The intensity of the response is extracted through {(weighted mean /5) * 100)}, standard deviation, Simple correlation coefficient(Pearson), Multiple regression coefficient using regressive deletion method, (T) scale to show correlation and effect significance, (R2) definition coefficient to show the amount of effect interpreted by the independent variable. The importance of the study: The study derives its importance from the importance of the variables that it addressed. The application of Total Quality Management  helps improve the performance of organizations and improves their abilities in facing challenges by working to meet the wishes of the beneficiaries. The main pillar in all aspects of life through its work to provide security for citizens and society in general, as the provision of security contributes to the stability and growth and the rise of societies and prosperity. The most important practical results: The results of the current study showed the existence of a relationship of correlation and effect of multiple negative and significant significance among the study variables(Total Quality Management, counterproductive Work behavior). The main conclusions: The organization's adoption of the study sample of TQM in its dimensions, both at the macro level and the dimensions, will greatly contribute to reducing or eliminating the counterproductive Work behavior, and thus the success and superiority of the organization.