Generalized Conharmonic Curvature Tensor of _Grey manifold

  • Asst. Prof. Dr. Ali A.Shihab Department of Mathematics College of Education for Women- Iraq _ Salahadeen in-Tikrit, University of Tikrit, p.o.Box.42 Tikrit_Iraq
  • Abdulhadi Ahmed Abd Department of Mathematics College of Education for Pure Sciences Iraq _Salahadeen in-Tikrit, University of Tikrit, p.o.Box.42,Tikrit_Iraq


Herein, we study the relation between an algebraic curvature tensor, and general conharmonic curvature tensor of _Grey manifold. In particular, we study the geometrical properties of an almost Hermitian manifold structure denoted as , where  and  denote the almost Kahler manifold and the locally conformal Kahler manifold to be studied, respectively.