Conceptualizing the Influence of instant message marketing communication on Zimbabwean Generation Z consumers' attitude and behavioural intentions

  • J. Marumba University of KwaZulu-Natal
  • K.K. Govender University of KwaZulu-Natal


This paper presents a conceptual frawework of the influence of instant message marketing communication (henceforth referred to as IMMC) on the attitude and behavioural intentions of Gen Z consumers in Zimbabwe. Specifically, the study integrates the elaboration likelihood model and the theory of planned behaviour (TPB), to develop a conceptual model. From a theoretical perspective, it is hoped that the proposed study would add new insights to the body of knowledge on MC in the context of mobile media. In fact, the study will contribute new knowledge on the application of elaboration likelihood within contemporary MC tools. From a practitioner’s perspective, the study will help small company owners, advertising planners, and practitioners in developing countries to better understand what the customer values most when it comes to IMMC. In essence, MIM apps are widely used by small business particularly the informal sector. Thus, the research findings will have important practical implications to effective design of MC on MIM apps in order to achieve set MC objectives.
Management Science/Operations