Modern Approaches to Address the Concept of Territorial Division in Islamic jurisprudence

  • Hajed A. Alotaibi Department of Islamic Contemporary Studies, Faculty of Science and Humanities, Majmaa University, 11952, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
  • Francis Danso Boateng Department of Criminal Justice & Legal Studies, University of Mississippi, USA.
Keywords: Modern Approaches, Territorial Division, Islamic jurisprudence.


In Islamic legal discourse, the terms "Dar Al-Islam" (“home” of Islam) and "Dar Al-Harb" (place of infidelity) have become essential expressions. Many situations have arisen, however, to call into question the classic Islamic dichotomy. Contexts for such situations include public international law, state sovereignty, immigration, geographical mobility, and citizenship. Given the many situations that do not fit neatly into a binary world comprising Dar Al-Islam and Dar Al-Harb, it may be questioned whether Muslim jurists will be forced to adjust to a new and different reality.In fact, new approaches to the concept of geographical partition in Islamic jurisprudence are already being developed.It has becomepossible toinvest some of the legal opinions withan expanded concept of homeland, thereby promoting the concept of peaceful coexistence, and resolving the issue of religious and residency differences.This article examines how current jurists can follow up and deal with a juristic division of the world into abode of "Islam” and “infidelity" whilst embracing these present worldwide revolutions and formations. The success with which jurists re-evaluate this dichotomy will have major impacts on how an Islamic state interacts with non-Muslim governments on the one hand, and how Muslims residing temporarily or permanently in a non-Muslim territory on the other. Here, an attempt made to review the concepts of Dar Al-Islam and Dar Al-Harb from two perspectives: that of the dialectical limits and liberalization, as discussed in secondary material such as books, research articles, and reports; and that of the criteria for identifying Dar Al-Islam and Dar Al-Harb in Islamic jurisprudence. This paper analyzes the various arguments put forward as to open up and establish new ways of peaceful coexisting and maintaining healthy international connections.


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