Augmented Environment: Learning through Augmented Reality for Children with Pervasive Developmental Disorders

  • Rim LARIBI Higher Institute of Childhood Executives (ISCE), UC, TUNISIA
  • Ahmed BOUAJILA Higher Institute of Childhood Executives (ISCE), UC, TUNISIA
  • Adel FRIDHI Higher Institute of Childhood Executives (ISCE), UC, TUNISIA
  • Rahim KOUKI Higher Institute of Childhood Executives (ISCE), UC, TUNISIA
  • Naila BALI Higher Institute of Childhood Executives (ISCE), UC, TUNISIA


The potential of augmented reality in the educational action of people with pervasive developmental disorders is the focus of our article. In specialized education, the teacher is encouraged to seek new support to enhance the abilities and skills of the people we are studying. The teacher is perceived as: “a person who promotes the implementation of specific methods and techniques... within a class or in a daily living environment”. Our investigation focuses on the advantages of using virtual reality in the care of children and adolescents with developmental disabilities. Our article aims to highlight the advantages of using AR in the treatment of people with PDD, pervasive developmental disorder. The creation and three D modeling of avatars and a daily virtual environment (DVE) close to reality have established themselves in the realm of specialized education, offering numerous advantages.