A description of the symptoms and treatment of illnesses identified in Bapedi traditional healing practices: A review

  • Sejabaledi A. Rankoana University of Limpopo, Department of Sociology and Anthropology Private Bag X1106, Sovenga 0727, South Africa.


This paper describes a community’s knowledge of the symptoms of the most common illnesses and the type of treatment offered A comprehensive ethnobotanical investigation was carried out in the Limpopo Province of South Africa, wherein a total of 12 symptoms associated with prevalent illnesses were documented. These symptoms are not classified as diseases, but rather as ailments that are managed through self-medication. The treatment involves the administration of simple indigenous plant-derived medical applications and non-medical practices known to the patients’ families and relatives. The effective management of initial symptoms of illness within the household setting is a crucial component of basic health care, aimed at addressing disorders identified by patients and their families.
Social Sciences