• M.A. Nazarenko


The purpose of the article to present philosophical models of believes about human rationality and irrationality, and compare them. Thus, the article presents short descriptions of believes about human rationality and irrationality. In the methods part key points of philosophical model were dedicated. According to them in the result part philosophical models of human rationality and irrationality are created. Previously, it was supposed that individuals are rational, at least, in important things. Whereas, current studies have shown that individuals are irrational. Their choices and priorities depend on internal factors significantly more then on external one. Moreover, individual’s choices are determined by anchors (first mention of goods), mind categories of values and spending Inability of long-term prioritization, comparison based on prices of similar goods and services. As a result, they are quite far from rational choices and behavior. In discussion, the study is compared with the other ones. The main result of this part is that there is lack of philosophical models in this sphere. In spite of them, there is plenty of economic works taken rational model as a proper one. These works have limited applicability due to the fact of controversial basis. In the conclusion part is stated that investigation of irrationality will continue in the future to provide better understanding of individuals. These researches will change believes about irrationality and philosophical model either.