Analysis of Length and Bends of Dipole Antenna on Resonant frequency

  • Thaar A.Kareem Electric Engineering Department /College of Engineering / University of Misan
  • Mays Kareem Jabbar Electric Engineering Department /College of Engineering / University of Misan
  • Hussein Tuama Hazim Electric Engineering Department /College of Engineering / University of Misan


Adjusting resonant frequency has a profound effect on low- frequency applications. Radiation efficiency is improved by changing antenna size because that changes the radiation resistance. To make the antenna more efficient, its resonant frequency is adjusted to be close to the frequency of operation. Electrical size of antenna can be increased while keeping length same through addition of bends. In this letter, effect of bend-addition is analyzed for a dipole antenna operating on resonant frequency in the VHF frequency range. Circuit design and simulation was conducted on Feko program to predict frequency response of broadband model. Analysis is conducted over a wide range of antenna lengths.