The economic importance of museums and their role in the development of cultural tourism With reference to Iraq

  • Prof/Elham Kh. Abbas Shubbar College of Tourism Sciences Al- Mustansiriya University
  • Dr. Maha Abdul Sattar College of Tourism Sciences Al- Mustansiriya University
  • Assistant Lecturer Esraa Saad Fahad College of Tourism Sciences Al- Mustansiriya University


Museums and monuments have great importance in the national tourism development and play an influential role in the local and national economy, because museums are seen as a community institution that plays multiple  leading important roles new in addition to being a cultural and educational institution it is a cultural institution and is affected by the surrounding variables, whether the economic ones, or social, cultural and even political, Therefore, museums have evolved rapidly and has specialized and diversified its activities and services to comply with change requirements and the multiple motivations of the movement of people (visitors) and their taste and desires, culture that represents the main motive for cultural tourism that takes from the archeological and historical sites and museums, remains as an essential destination. From here comes the importance of our research, which includes the study of the economic role of museums as any economic institution that is interested in heritage and cultural resources (original resource) and bring the attention of the concerned authorities to the importance of museums to increase financial returns and be a source of income for the community and both the local and national economy, and be a stimulating factor to increase the influx of visitors and make investment better under an efficient management and strategy plans to maintain the sustainability of heritage and cultural resources as a national treasure that has, its direct and indirect economic and social effects, as well as in indirect support to small and medium projects that activate as well as infrastructure services in the country.