The Effectiveness of a Cognitive Behavioral Guidance Program in Improving Social Efficiency in Female Students in University Cities of Khartoum State

  • Wisal Al Bashir Ibrahim Al Bashir Department of psychology; College of Education; Ha’il University, The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Keywords: Cognitive Behavioral, Social Efficiency, Female Students


Background: The aim of this study was to identify the impact of the application of a guidance program on female students in university cities whose grades were limited in the first quarter. Materials and methods: according to the statistical analysis of the scale, two tools were used: the social efficiency scale and the group guidance program which consisting of guidance leaflets, such ad (homework, evaluations questionnaire. Results: the findings showed a strong impact of the extension program in increasing the ability to manage emotion among sample members. A strong impact of the extension program in raising self-awareness among sample members. Strong impact of the extension program in increasing the ability to communicate effectively with others in the sample. A strong impact of the counseling program in improving the distress situation among sample members. Conclusion: In light of the findings of this study, a number of recommendations were presented. The most important of these were the necessity of introducing elements of social competence within the various subjects in the study curricula for the educational stages, especially in light of the lack of guidance for students in residential cities or insufficient number. Which would achieve the social efficiency of the community.