Effectiveness of social distancing measures during Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic: A systematic Review
Background: In February 2020, world health organization has announced coronavirus outbreak (COVID-19) as a world pandemic. COVID-19 vaccines have recently been developed and approved by many countries for immediate distribution and use to contain the disease transmission and control the pandemic, however, the world is still at very early stages of ensuring vaccines’ effectiveness and their accurate positive impact on bringing COVID-19 pandemic under control. Therefore, using social distancing and behavioral measures to reduce the transmission of the virus within the residents are continued to be important tools in lessening the consequences of this pandemic. As a result, social distancing measures are employed globally and have been an efficient tool in reducing the comprehensive virus spreaders. Objective: This study is a systematic review to evaluate the effects of social distance measure such as isolation, quarantine for decreasing the spread of COVID-19 during the pandemic era 2020. Methodology: A systematic review is performed in accordance with guidelines for best practice. Literature searches is done using online databases sources. Databases includes Medline, Web of Science, Embase, alongside relevant pre-print servers. PRISMA-P checklist is used in the planning of this study from 1st March to December 2020. The study examines the evidence-based guidelines for community protection issued by different health authorities affecting COVID-19 pandemic and compare the published articles from different countries. A narrative synthesis, using thematic analysis, is performed for the included studies. The study also offers a descriptive numerical summary using risk ratios (RRs), mean differences (MD), standardized mean differences (SMD). Conclusion: This study may expedite the systematic advancement of behavioral interferences to increase social distancing measures importance. Moreover, this study could improve the literature on emphasizing the major social distancing measures in influencing COVID-19 in public health policy and interventions.References
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