Specification a mode of universities governance in the Covid-19 era

  • Francisco Espinoza-Morales Professor Research, USO
  • Enrique Martínez-Muñoz Professor Research, UAEH
  • Leticia María González-Velázquez Professor Research, USON
  • Celia Yaneth Quiroz-Campas Professor Research, ITSON
  • María del Rosario Molina González Professor Research, USON
  • Lidia Amalia Zallas Esquer Professor Research, USON
  • Francisco Alan Espinoza Zallas Professor Research, USON
  • Javier Carreón Guillén Professor Research, UNAM
  • Juan Antonio Garza-Sánchez Professor Research, UANL
  • Cruz García Lirios Professor Research, UAEMEX
Keywords: Governance, Internet, harassment, equity, profit


The digital harassment involves the emergence of a service- oriented of digital village process. In this scenario, deregulation looming state and citizen participation electronic devices to generate ideas for Human Development. However, in either scenario, exclusion or inclusion digital, differences between resources and groups exacerbate asymmetries among Internet. This paper argues that, in both contexts, gap and digital village, electronic harassment. A review of the theoretical and conceptual frameworks and the report two findings on the state of knowledge warns that harassment is generated by perceptions of opportunity that associated with expectations of compatibility, usability and ease generate relationship asymmetric between cyberese’s. Therefore, a model is proposed to study phenomenon to open the discussion about the relevance of electronic devices in the dissemination of equity.


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