The image of Saudi Arabia in the West: UK as a case study

  • Hajed A. Alotaibi


AbstractThe aim of this study was to identify the nature of general, specific information and public impressions of the Western (British) about Saudi Arabia. Further, it intended to identify the sources of information and news received by the public about Saudi within their community. In order to answer the research questions, data was collected using questionnaires from 100 respondents. The researcher made a link on Survey Monkey. The findings of the study show that there are number of items associated with a negative image of Saudi Arabia. These include nature of some of the Saudis, safety of the country, discrimination against women, terrorism, and violence. The key positive element of Saudi Arabia is the economy. The main reason given for the high economy was presence of oil in Saudi Arabia.  The study showed that the increased oil revenues have permitted the government to steer economic growth of other sectors of the economy. The other positive element noted is that some of the Saudis are kind and polite. Based on the findings of the study, the report recommends the following to improve its image and economy; avoid arms Race, encourage gender equality, improve educational development and nation branding in the West.