Learners' perception, adoption intention, and adoption of e-learning technology: Measuring the mediating role of perceived trust
Aim: Technology is becoming an integral part of our life and education is not untouched by it. E-learning is an innovative and flexible mode of learning where education is provided to learners using the internet. In developing countries, e-learning adoption rates are low, and further research has been needed. In this research, the researcher proposes a conceptual framework for establishing relations between antecedents, e-learning adoption intention, and actual adoption by keeping perceived trust as a mediating variable between intention and adoption.Materials and Methods: This research proposed an extended form of technology acceptance model in the context of e-learning and the proposed model is empirically tested and validated using PLS-SEM over a sample of 430 learners taken from universities in Saudi Arabia.Results: The results suggest that perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, hedonic motivation, innovativeness, knowledge sharing, price value are the significant antecedents of e-learning adoption intention. The significant role of perceived trust as a mediator is recognized between e-learning adoption intention and adoption of e-learning. Interestingly, social influences do not show any significant contribution to e-learning adoption intention. The research findings also suggest valuable theoretical and practical implications for academicians, online learning app developers, educators, and content designers. Moreover, new insights are also discussed for future research.Conclusion: This study developed a conceptual model by extending the technology acceptance model in the context of e-learning for determining relations between antecedents, e-learning adoption intention, and actual adoption by keeping perceived trust as a mediating variable between intention and adoption.References
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