Revisiting effectiveness of social marketing and networking on crowdfunding platform during COVID-19
This study contributes to revisit the relationships among social marketing, social networking, perceived value, subjective well-being, and funding intention on crowdfunding platform from evidences of structural equation modeling (SEM) and fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA). Specifically, symmetric approach (i.e., SEM) can identify net effects among research constructs, and then asymmetric approach (i.e., fsQCA) can further understand sufficient conditions for high online funding intention. The study focused on people who had experiences of being involved or interested in interacting with nonprofit organizations, and aimed to understand the public’s intention to raise funds for charity. In this study, a questionnaire was administered via the online Google form platform, and purposive sampling was adopted. For the data analysis, SPSS 20, Amos 20, and fsQCA 30 statistical software were used for descriptive statistical analysis, factor analysis, reliability analysis, SEM, and fsQCA. The results of SEM showed that both social marketing and social networking can effectively enhance perceived value and subjective well-being. Furthermore, perceived value can raise funding intention, but subjective well-being did not reach a significant level of funding intention. The results of fsQCA further indicated that five configurations are sufficient conditions for high funding intention. For example, path 1 indicates that when there is a low degree of social marketing, high perceived value, and low subjective feelings of well-being, it can result in high funding intentions.References
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